tarting a hair journey we can easily become overwhelmed and confused by the process. 
Have you ever asked yourself what are your specific hair needs? We embark on a healthy hair journey for different reasons, which are mainly attached to our specific hair needs at the moment.  However, it's important to really understand what drives these needs and the foundation.


At the very top of the hierarchy of hair needs, you can find the first main category, self-fulfillment needs, which is encompassed mainly of your hair goals. It is then followed by your psychological needs, focusing on your hair appreciation and acceptance. The final tier is grouped as basic needs; this is where you find a consistent tailored hair routine and healthy diet and lifestyle.


"> Hierarchy of Hair Care Needs.

Hierarchy of Hair Care Needs.

In motivational theory, the aim is to understand what drives a person to work toward a particular goal or outcome. When starting a hair journey we can easily become overwhelmed and confused by the process. 
Have you ever asked yourself what are your specific hair needs? We embark on a healthy hair journey for different reasons, which are mainly attached to our specific hair needs at the moment.  However, it's important to really understand what drives these needs and the foundation.


At the very top of the hierarchy of hair needs, you can find the first main category, self-fulfillment needs, which is encompassed mainly of your hair goals. It is then followed by your psychological needs, focusing on your hair appreciation and acceptance. The final tier is grouped as basic needs; this is where you find a consistent tailored hair routine and healthy diet and lifestyle.


Every tier of the hierarchy of hair needs is essential; goals become displaced when a level is disregarded. Your hair goals are at the top and highest tier, and it demands that you start at the ground level where you find your basic needs, which helps you connect with your psychological needs. 

Let's take a closer look at the details of the three hierarchical hair needs areas to understand better and appreciate each. 


Hierarchy of Hair Needs 


1. Self-Fulfillment Needs (Hair Goals). As earlier expressed, this is at the top of the hair needs hierarchy. It is attained by working through the lower tiers, such as the psychological and basic needs. However, every successful hair journey starts with setting hair goals and doing all that is necessary to attain them.


Hair goals are personal and important; it's what you desire to see in your hair. The attainment of hair goals gives you a satisfying and fulfilling feeling – like the trophy of your hard and consistent work. The visualization of your hair goals is in your desired health for your hair, the length, the style, and its maintenance. 


2. Psychological Needs (Hair Appreciation and Hair Acceptance). You may be saying it's just hair; what's all this talk about psychological – that's just complicating it. Accepted or not, there is a psychological aspect of journeying to your hair goals on the hierarchy of hair needs, and they are affectionately called hair appreciation and hair acceptance. These are vital parts of the hair journey because though you have hair goals attaining them has a lot to do every day with your psychological state of appreciating and accepting your hair. 

Appreciation and Acceptance of Hair: This looks at the current state of your hair on a daily basis as your journey to your ultimate hair goal. It's appreciating your hair's curl pattern, texture, condition (whether strength, luster, bounce, dryness, breakage or damage) and doing what is required to attain the self-fulfilling hair goal. This stage is also learning to appreciate all your hard work in meeting your hair's basic needs without comparing it to others and disregarding your progress. Being positive is a critical aspect of the journey because it keeps you motivated amidst the setbacks and keeps you excited for each accomplishment. This is where a relationship and true connection is built with your hair.


3. Basic Needs. This is where you put in the work and feed your hair with a consistent and tailored routine and healthy diet and lifestyle. Your hair needs tender, loving, and care to flourish, and focusing on the basic needs is the tier that gets you straight to your goals. 


Creating a hair routine is critical and should comprise of daily, weekly, and monthly habits (LOC/LCO moisturizing, oiling scalp with natural oils and massages, low manipulation hairstyles, protective hairstyles, washing and conditioning with sulfate and chemical-free hair products, protein and deeply moisturizing hair treatments, hair trims, hair bonnets/scarfs).


Carving out and committing to a diet filled with vitamins and minerals are critical as these aid in feeding the hair strands and roots from within, making your hair less prone to breakage and extensive damage. Exercise compliments a healthy diet as it allows for the nutrients with the help of oxygen to get to our scalp faster with surety. An active lifestyle helps to boost hair growth because of the added blood circulation it generates to the scalp. 


Final Thoughts

The next time you think about the hierarchy of hair needs, don't only pay attention to the destination of self-fulfillment needs – your hair goals. Remember that it's a process that continuously comprises psychological and basic necessities to attain it. 

Notably, also the attainment of your hair goals means maintaining them by still committing to all the steps daily. 

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Janelle O'Connor

A dedicated, professional, and jovial worker with over ten years of experience in writing.

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