How to grow healthy strong and long hair!

Sorry to sound morbid but our hair is dead, the moment it leaves our scalp it’s dead so we have to do everything possible to preserve and care for our glorious strands in their afterlife. The most important thing to keep in mind if you want to grow healthy, strong, and long hair is that beauty and strength come from within. If you’re lacking nutrients and a good healthy balanced diet, you won’t be able to grow anything strong. What you put in is what you get out!  The first step as always is to start from within.


Ensure that you are getting all your nutrients and that you are hydrated. Hair follicles thrive on good nutrition, make sure that you are hitting those nutrients, getting enough protein, vitamins, Omega 3 fatty acids, etc. A good place to start is to have a balanced diet, and ensure that you are eating foods that nourish your body. 

Moisture is the key here, you need to ensure that your hair is being moisturized constantly and that there is a balance between moisture and protein to prevent hair from becoming dry and brittle. We all know what happens when hair became dry and brittle it breaks and we don’t want that. As you heard many times everyone's hair grows but if we don't protect what hair we already have from breaking it will seem as if our hair isn't growing. 

Here are some ways to prevent dryness. 
-Drink lots of water, if you don’t like water try adding flavor to it or getting a cute water bottle that makes you motivated to drink water! If that doesn’t help try out our good friend technology and download a water-tracking app. 

-Ditch the cotton sheets! Nothing absorbs moisture more than cotton! We swear, get yourself a silk/satin pillowcase or if you feel fancy, a full bed set and let your hair rest in peace, without abrasions. 

-Deep Condition, every week soak your hair in a yummy mask or deep conditioner that soaks deep down into the core of your strands, you don’t need to go to expensive salons you can do this at home. Weekly deep conditioning makes a huge difference! The keyword to note is deep, not regular conditioner. 

-Protect your hair from the sun and heat, the sun shines down upon us as well as contributes to us aging in the least graceful way possible. Use a heat protectant when going outside or when any other type of heat is being applied to hair. 

-Letting go is a big part of the growth in most aspects of life, so when your ends start to split and look unhealthy, let them go. Remember to get a trim, trimming hair is important and can help lifeless dull uneven hair look full and healthy again, once you trim those extra dead ends. 

So, in a nutshell, you simply need to nourish your hair from within and then protect it. You can get a hair diary app to help you keep track of your hair activities, we recommend the best of course: Tresslog! As you're starting your healthy hair journey remember that length will come once you have mastered nourishing and protecting your hair, be patient and take care of yourself from there everything will flourish!

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Elia Seyfried

Elia enjoys a good book, is a hair care enthusiast, loves to write, and hopes to inspire and educate through her work.

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