What hair products should I use?

Every individual's hair is unique, and understanding its characteristics is crucial for selecting the right hair care products. From shampoos and conditioners to styling treatments, the market offers a vast array of options, but knowing which ones are best suited to your hair type can make all the difference. In this guide, we'll explore how the various factors view points on how to choose products. 


Determine your hair type.

Before going on a product shopping spree, it's essential to know your hair type. Don't just buy products because your fav coils hair influencer uses them,  you guys may share the same pattern but a completely different type/texture. Hair type typically mainly encompasses factors such as texture (fine, medium, or coarse) and other attributes like pattern (straight, wavy, curly, or coily), porosity, and density. Understanding these characteristics will guide you in selecting products that address your hair's specific needs and bring out the best in your hair's pattern as well as helping to manipulate or control the density to your desire more easily. 


Target your concerns.

Look for products that address your hair concerns if you have specific hair concerns such as dandruff, hair fall, split ends, frizz, or lack of volume, choose products that are formulated to address these concerns in accordance with your hair type.  For example, if you have healthy hair with no damage, don't use product that are designed to repair damage and if you have damaged hair don't use products that are meant for healthy hair without any damage. As simple as this may sound many people don't realize they have damage, for example you may be using the world of hydrating products but your hair can't seem to hold on to moisture no matter what, you are using the right products for your type but still your hair is dry. This could be a sign of damage, it's important to consult with a professional to really understand the state of your hair. 


Research product ingredients and their functionality.

It can be tempting to rush for products that claim to have or don't have certain ingredients. However it's important to choose functionality over marketing, for example, silicones are given a bad rep, and there are endless products labeled as silicone free. However, some hair types can benefit from certain silicones to help them manage their hair easier and help reduce dryness leading to less breakage. Another popular ingredient that everyone loves is glycerin.... depending on your climate, if you live in a really humid climate it's best to avoid glycerin and other certain types of humectants as they can do more harm than good.  It's important to learn how certain ingredients work on your hair type, in your current environment and if they actually address your concerns.

Get help from professionals or credible sources.

If you are still unsure about which hair care products to use, consult a hairstylist or cosmetologist. They can recommend products that are best suited for your hair type and address your specific hair concerns. If you have specific scalp problem or  hair issue you can see a Trichologist or determagolist and they can recommend products to help treat your condition.  If you can't afford to see a professional there are lots of free and affordable resources and apps out there that help you find products you should use according to your hair type.


Once you have found a product that seems like a good match give it some time, to ensure that you are reaping the benefits. We know how tempting it can be to always be trying new products but always remember if it ain't broke don't fix it. Another thing to mention is  your hair doesn't get 'tired' of a certain product, usually this a sign of product or hard water buildup or some other factor influencing the state of your hair. The key takeaway is to experiment with different products and techniques based on your hair type and concerns  to find what works best for your hair and lifestyle.

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Elia Seyfried

Elia enjoys a good book, is a hair care enthusiast, loves to write, and hopes to inspire and educate through her work.

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