Tips to prevent breakage.

Hair breakage is something that creeps up on you, you never realize it until you see uneven, dry brittle ends and loads of hair all over the floor. Several factors contribute to breakage, there isn’t just one main cause, lifestyle changes, stress dehydration, etc can all contribute to hair breakage. We are going to look at three factors in your life that play a big role in your hair health.



  • Diet - Your hair grows every month, the follicle after being nourished by what you give your body extends and your hair grows, the state of that hair can be strong or fragile, we cannot stress this enough but the foundation starts from within. If you eat a healthy diet, stay hydrated and nourish your body correctly, your hair will grow at its best. If you are malnourished, then you will have malnourished hair. Taking a supplement along with a healthy diet,(not just a supplement )can help your hair grow strong and healthy, so ensure you are nourishing your body with healthy foods. We recommend lots of water, and a balanced diet along with a multivitamin, fish oil, and hair supplement for maximum nourishing from within.


  • Hair Care Routine - Having a good hair regimen is essential to maintain your healthy hair that has grown out. Find a way to develop a hair routine that fits into your lifestyle that helps you maintain that moisture and protein balance to keep your hair looking gorgeous. If your hair is dry it will break, ensure that you keep your hair moisturized, using natural hair oils on your scalp and ends. Excessive heat styling, forgetting to deep condition/treat hair, chemical services such as relaxing, dying/bleaching hair and excessive hair washing all contribute to dryness. Lack of protein especially after chemical services will cause your hair to be dry and brittle as well as too much protein will cause hair to be stiff and brittle. You can try moisturizing every week and then once a month do a protein treatment or alternate between the two, it’s important to listen to your hair and see what it needs.


  • Bed Time - Who knows what happens or how much we toss and turn during the 6+ hours a night when we are asleep. There are two factors to your bedtime, one is ensuring that you meet it, lack of sleep = stress, and stress = the body not functioning right, also known as hair loss so ensure you are getting a good rest at night. Secondly don’t just sleep on your hair and let your bed sheet soak up all your natural oils, it makes no sense to moisturize your hair and then go sleep on a cotton pillowcase to soak up all that moisture. Get yourself a silk/satin pillowcase or a full bed set your skin and hair will thank you, and you’ll see a difference in your hair over time.


These three areas of your life have a serious impact on your hair, so ensure that as you go about your life that you maintain a balance in all of them and be mindful of the effects your actions have on your hair.

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Elia Seyfried

Elia enjoys a good book, is a hair care enthusiast, loves to write, and hopes to inspire and educate through her work.

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