Make every day a great hair day!

We all know that one person, no matter where, when, or how we see them, with their hair or someone else’s, it always looks amazing, even in a messy bun! Styling your hair can be so overwhelming and sometimes you just don’t know if a style you like will look good on you or if you can maintain it. Trying a new style whether it’s with a wig or your hair can be very terrifying, however, here are some tips on how to have a great hair day every day!


Tip 1:
Have a hair care regimen, ensure that you are taking care of your hair whether it’s long or short, take the time to get to know your hair type, the products your hair like, get rid of damaged ends, and make the effort to care for your tresses weekly!


Tip 2:

Assess your hairline, our hairline plays a big part in how our hairstyles look. It might seem like such an insignificant thing but take the time to understand how it affects your overall look and the look/style you're going for. Get to know the shape of your face and the best ways to accentuate it. Don’t be afraid to shape up your hairline whether is means waxing some areas or filling in other areas.


Tip 3.

Work with what you’ve got, after ensuring your hair is in a healthy state, you may notice that some parts of your hair are different than others, for example, the front of your hair might be thicker whereas the back might not be. Choose hairstyles that accentuate the best parts of your hair and don’t be afraid to add extensions or pieces.


Tip 4.

Have a night routine, it’s so easy to neglect hair at night and fall asleep with it just as it is. However, a simple rub of coconut oil, light brushing, and twisting into a bun can leave you with amazing heartless waves in the morning or just a good base to work with to style your hair. Make the effort to ensure your hair is moisturized, detangled, and in a good state before hitting the sack. Also, ditch the rough bedding and try investing in silk or silk satin bedding to prevent damage or frizz to hair while you toss and turn at night.

Tip 5.

Use quality products that are for your specific hair type. It can be so confusing trying to find the right products for your hair type or even what your hair type is. Take the time to figure out your hair type and what it likes. Honestly, there is no one size fits all to this as everyone’s hair is unique, so there will be a bit of trial and error but take the time to understand and figure out what makes your tresses pop!


These are our tips for always having a great hair day! No matter the length of your hair keep in mind that healthy hair is beautiful hair and the start to always having a great hair day! Your hair doesn’t define you, you define it!

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Elia Seyfried

Elia enjoys a good book, is a hair care enthusiast, loves to write, and hopes to inspire and educate through her work.

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