How do I start a hair routine?

Starting a good hair routine or journey takes time and understanding, time to implement, and more importantly, understanding yourself. When I started my hair journey I was confused, I read a zillion articles and bought a bunch of products I did not need. It's so easy to get caught up and carried away at the beginning of your journey and lose yourself.  However, the main things to keep in mind are 1) understanding yourself and 2) your own hair. 


Understanding yourself will help you avoid creating a routine or following one that is not in sync with your lifestyle, is a burden, and just impractical. 


Things to keep in mind about yourself when starting your journey. 

  • Your time, you have to keep in mind the amount of time you have to dedicate towards this routine, if you work a typical 9-5 and you have a routine that requires a bunch of activities, will you really have time to stick to it? Create a routine that fits into your schedule, is simple, and is easy to stick to.


  • The two Ps, Preferences and Patience, using natural DIY homemade products may seem amazing and exciting but if you know you love shopping at Sephora, love refined scents, and cute packaging, and have no patience to make things and wait for them to set, etc. Then go with your two P levels. Don't get caught up in the whole DIY homemade hair care routine, unless you have the patience and truly prefer making your own hair products else you will end up wasting a lot of money and time.


  • Your budget, you can find amazing products that do not cost an arm, leg.... and a heart that work and are healthy for your hair, keep in mind that expensive does not always equal quality. Choose products or hair salons that are within your budget so you can consistently use them.


Understanding your hair is the next step in starting a hair care routine:


Get to know your hair, take the time to assess your hair and its current issues, your hair type, and porosity level, then build your routine from there. Don't blindly follow someone else's routine because you like how their hair looks, ensure that your routine is for you and not against you.

Starting a hair journey can be overwhelming and long but remember to not get carried away and caught up in trends but also to keep it tailored to your needs, so you can reach your best hair.

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Elia Seyfried

Elia enjoys a good book, is a hair care enthusiast, loves to write, and hopes to inspire and educate through her work.

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