Capillary Schedule Guide.

If you’ve never heard of a capillary hair schedule, it’s probably because you’ve never had to do any intensive hair repairs these past few months. A capillary schedule is a hair treatment procedure whose agenda is to replenish your hair’s nutrients and recover the lost health due to chemical processing. It is originally from Brazil and designed to help restore and maintain your hair's health according to its porosity.


A capillary schedule lasts one month, and one can begin seeing results as early as the first week. Your hair becomes softer, well-hydrated, and shiny. The routine consists of three elements that your hair needs the most: hydration, nutrition, and reconstruction of the damaged strands. Hydration does water replacement, nutrition does lipid replacement and reconstruction does protein replacement. It is recommended that the program is organized in a tabular form specifying the days of the reconstruction, hydration, and nutrition procedures. Each of the steps promotes specific care to be given to your tresses and is customized based on your hair needs. 


How is the Capillary Schedule Done?

The capillary schedule procedure is heavily dependent on the characteristics of the hair strands you are looking to nourish. A good way to know what your hair needs is by doing  a porosity test, based on this, one can make a schedule in which they wash their hair three times a week. Each wash is done with one of the treatments in mind:


Phase 1 is done while the hair is still badly damaged or has high porosity :

 1st Wash2nd Wash3rd wash
1st WeekHydrationNutritionReconstruction
2nd WeekNutritionHydrationNutrition
3rd WeekHydrationNutritionReconstruction
4th WeekHydrationHydrationNutrition



Phase 2 is done when hair is still damaged or has medium porosity:

 1st Wash2nd Wash3rd wash
1st WeekHydrationNutritionHydration
2nd WeekHydrationHydrationNutrition
3rd WeekHydrationNutritionHydration
4th WeekHydrationNutritionReconstruction



For healthy hair or low porosity, a maintenance procedure is done:

 1st Wash2nd Wash3rd wash
1st WeekHydrationHydrationNutrition
2nd WeekHydrationNutritionHydration
3rd WeekHydrationHydrationNutrition
4th WeekHydrationNutritionReconstruction



How long should the capillary schedule be done?

This procedure can be done for up to 6 months, and then a 1-month break where the hair is shampooed, conditioned and moisturized. Further assessment will determine whether you should get back to the procedure or not. Ideally, the hydration procedure should be extended because it is one of the best ways to keep your strands hydrated, frizz-free, and without split ends. A good indication that your capillary schedule is working is not seeing the need to trim your hair often. 


When can results be seen?

Generally, the effects of the capillary schedule can be observed at the end of the first cycle of interspersed care, which is usually four weeks. 

If you're interested in trying the capillary schedule, download the Tresslog App today to get started! 

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Elia Seyfried

Elia enjoys a good book, is a hair care enthusiast, loves to write, and hopes to inspire and educate through her work.

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