"> Can rice water grow hair?

Can rice water grow hair?

Does rice water grow hair? So, we have seen all these blogs, videos, reviews, etc on using rice water to grow your hair, it's the "new" trend on how to get your tresses long and healthy in no time. However, as we all realize especially in beauty new usually means ancient traditions that are being rediscovered. The Age of Rice Water is being rediscovered. Read on for more information on rice water for hair. 

So let’s get the basics down. The Benefits of rice water specifically for your hair:

-helps remove lice  
-shiny/ silky hair 
-rich in nutrients, vitamins, and amino acids 
-makes hair stronger, it's a good strengthening treatment
-contains inositol (a carbohydrate that repairs damaged hair) 
-contains pitera (helps in cell regeneration, rich in amino acids, organic acids and minerals)


How to make “Rice Water”!

Option 1: Plain Rice Water - the ratio we are going to use is 1 tbsp to 1 cup, so 2 tbsp === 2 cups, etc, I forgot to mention to wash your rice before just a little to get rid of impurities. So now, with the clean rice put fresh water over it, soak it for 30 minutes then swirl it around until it’s cloudy, imagine you’re creating a magical potion. Once cloudy strain and pour into a jar or spray bottle for use, store in the refrigerator and use within a week. 

Option 2: Of course start with clean rice, and let it soak in fresh water for 24 hours in a place without much light but yet still warm. During this time the rice water is fermenting, after 24 hours, strain and pour fermented rice water into a container for use. Now we have one thing left to deal with, the smell, for those of you that can’t do rancid, acid, sulfur-like smells you can add some orange zest, lavender essence, etc to your pre-fermented rice water to help with the scent. When using fermented rice water ensure that you dilute it with water as it can be too strong for your hair. Keep in mind refrigerating your rice water is what will stop the formation process, so after you make it store in the refrigerator and use it within 1 week.

If you prefer and don't have the patience  you can always purchase premade rice water


How to use it!

Rice water is not a moisturizer, see it more like a treatment, not a daily serum or spray but something to consistently treat your hair with but not daily as too much can  cause an imbalance especially if you are using other products. 

Option 1: Consistently use as a pre-poo treatment, saturate hair with the rice water and leave on your hair for at least 20 minutes, and then wash hair with a sulfate-free shampoo. This will help with removing calcium buildup. 

Option 2: Consistently use as a deep condition, after washing leave on hair for 60 minutes then rinse it out. Now the first time you use it you will notice a slight difference in the shine of your hair but to see a real difference in your hair, consistency is key, not just once every purple  moon when you feel spontaneous.

Does it grow hair?

....No, you grow hair just by being alive however it helps retain what you've grown out. Don't go crazy and use it too often but don't use it sparingly, find a way to consistently add it into your routine if you're looking to boost shine and retain length

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Elia Seyfried

Elia enjoys a good book, is a hair care enthusiast, loves to write, and hopes to inspire and educate through her work.

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