Hair Type Classifications.

So when starting your hair journey, it’s a good idea to know your hair type and its characteristics. At this point, things can get complicated and you trying to figure out your hair type can go from fun to overwhelming quickly. So how exactly does one find their hair type? There are some classification systems out there that can guide you accordingly on how to care for your hair and its characteristics, the two we are going to talk about are the L.O.I.S system and the Andre Walker Hair Typing System.


The shape/structure of your hair is generally what classifications are based on, your hair follicles give your hair its shape, round follicles produce straight hair whereas oval/asymmetrical follicles give more curl and definition to the hair strand. Different things can affect the structure of your hair, such as heat, chemicals, and medication however your basic hair structure is in your DNA. 

The L.O.I.S System 

In this System, 4 classifications exist based on the structure/shape of the strand, wash your hair, and let it air dry without any products. Based on how your hair looks when dry you can class your hair into one of the following:

L = If your hair is dominated by right angles and substantially bends with nearly no curve

O = If your hair strand curls or coils significantly and appear to be shaped like the letter 

I = If your hair has no distinctive curls or bends and primarily lies flat against your head

S = If your hair strand has “S” shaped curls or waves with defined hills and valleys


The Andre Walker Hair Typing System 

This system focuses on the structure and diameter of hair it also has 4 classifications, to determine the structure of your hair, wash your hair, and let it air without any products. Based on how your hair looks when dry you can class your hair into one of the following:


Type 1 - Straight 


Type 2 - Slightly wavey 


Type 3 - Defined curl or looping 


Type 4 - Tightly coiled, spirals 


The diameter of your hair refers to the thickness of your strands, often thickness is confused with density, which is how thick/ thin your hair strands look collectively. To determine the thickness of your hair strands take a strand of your hair and place it between your fingers, if you can feel it you have thick hair if not your hair is fine. 


A - You can barely feel the strands (fine) 


B - You can feel the strands (moderate)


C - Practically like a thread between your fingers (thick) 


Now as usual everyone’s hair is unique and it could be hard to classify what type of hair you have, the important thing, however, is to ensure that you are taking care of your hair and seeing healthy results from your efforts. If something isn’t working switch it out, try something else, and go through the process of getting to understand your hair. There are so many recommendations and tips for a specific type of hair however when you try it, it may or may not work for you, again one size doesn’t always fit all so take the time to get to know your tresses. 

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Elia Seyfried

Elia enjoys a good book, is a hair care enthusiast, loves to write, and hopes to inspire and educate through her work.

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